Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Jizo, Patron Saint of Being Totally Boss

They say every man should have a symbol. They say it's the first step towards self actualization and conscious identity awareness. everybody's symbol is unique to them and it stands for who they are, or for that matter, want to be.

My symbol is most definitely the Buddhist deity known as Jizo. He is the protector of travelers, expectant mothers, and most notably the souls of children who have died, be them stillborn, miscarriages, or kids who have died before their time. His statuary is seen in many places throughout the land of the rising sun, including but not limited to the house, Buddhist temples, roadsides, and most commonly, Japanese graveyards.

I could write a dissertation revolving around this figure, as well as my connection to him, but needless to say, O-Jizo-san is BOSS! Here's one of many pieces i've done revolving around Jizo, part of the series of Bosatsu including Monju, Kannon, and others.

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